new state, new friends, new hobbies.

since moving to colorado, i have been slowly checking things off my bucket list.  today was one of those days that i got to check rock climbing off my list!  a new friend and i went rock climbing for the first time and may i say it was the hardest, most challenging and fun thing i have ever done.  i can’t wait to go back and keep getting better!  it truly is a sport and definitely one of my new hobbies!  trying new things can be quite difficult and intimidating, but completely worth it in the end.  maybe in a few months we will be able to climb a “real” wall outside.

we went climbing at Rock’n & Jam’n Rock Climbing and would highly recommend it.  they were great and very patient with us! check them out here.

do me a favor, and try something new this week- anything from a new tasty drink, to meeting a new person.  you’ll be glad you did…

happy tuesday.



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